App Cleaner Mac Taking A Long Time Searching

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App Cleaner Mac Taking A Long Time Searching

I have a 2006 macbook, 1 GB RAM, 2Ghz core 2 duo with os 10.5.5. At this point, due mainly to music, I have about 4 gb of disk space left. I've been noticing for a few months now that it has been slowing down significantly. Opening some apps takes a long time and fairly often apps (firefox, itunes) will just randomly give me the spiny circle and stall for between a few seconds and maybe a minute. I searched and found some other threads on this topic and I made a new user account which seems to be working a better than the one I have used forever.
If its the case that the problem is just with my old user account, is there a way to get the old account back to the way it was when i first installed it but keep my music, pictures and the apps that I actually use? or do i need to start fresh with a new account?
Second I do have a ton of crap on my hard drive that is just taking up space, I have in the past downloaded a ton of random software. I removed the actual apps, however I would like to be able to see if there are random .prefs or .lib files that are sitting around taking up space, do apps like OnyX find these for me and delete them (I dont know much about the real inner workings of my computer so I am wary of messing around with programs that do stuff I dont understand).
Finally, if all this is not the case and my computer is acting slow because of something else, is reformatting something that will help me? (I know that I would need to back everything up) or is there a less intursive process that would work?
Could the fact that I am getting low on extra disk space be part of the problem also?
I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give me on this stuff, and I thank you all in advance

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