Contec Abpm 50 Drivers

Ambulatory Patient Monitor Contec PM50 Support Product Related Documents. Ambulatory Patient Monitor PM50 User Manual (PDF) Frequently Asked Questions. PM50 and ABPM50 are sister products. One can regard a PM50 as an ABPM50 with a oximeter probe. Many questions in the FAQ section of ABPM50 Support page are applicable for PM50. Contec ABPM-50 This Ambulatory Blood Pressure (Holter) Monitor is a device designed for measurement and monitoring of blood pressure in adult, pediatric and neonate patients. Stores up to 300 results of one-time measurements for separate patients, and up to 350 measurement results of continuous blood pressure monitoring.


Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: Caution

Prolonged non-invasive blood pressure measurements in Auto mode may be associated with purport, ischemia and neuropathy in the limb wearing the cuff. When monitoring a patient, examine the extremities of the limb frequently for normal color, warmth and sensitivity. If any abnormality is observed, stop the blood pressure measurements.

  • You must not perform NIBP measurements on patients with sickle-cell disease or under any condition which the skin is damaged or expected to be damaged.
  • For a thrombasthenia patient, it is important to determine whether measurement of the blood pressure shall be done automatically. The determination should be based on clinical evaluation.
  • Do not apply the cuff to a limb that has an intravenous infusion or catheter in place. This could cause tissue damage around the catheter when infusion is slowed or blocked during cuff inflation.

Tips and random notes

Reinstall software

Follow the steps below to remove the program prior to running the setup program again.

Contec abpm50 manual
  • Uninstall the ABPM50 program from 'Add & Remove Program,' which can be found in control panel. As an alternative, go to Start >> All Programs >> ABPM50 Monitor >> Uninstall ABPM50 Monitor to remove the program.
  • Connect the device to the computer via the USB port.
  • Right click on Computer, select Manager >> Device Manager.
  • Look for CD Class example (under Other devices) or STM32 Virtual COM port Device (under Ports). If found, double click on the entry and select Driver tab and Uninstall.

Run the ABPM50_Setup. A version of the program can be found in the download section above.

Install driver (Manual)

If the installed software cannot find the ABPM50, the device driver may not be installed properly. To check for this possibility, plug in the ABPM50 in the computer USB port and make sure that it is turned on. Right click on 'Computer' and select 'Manage' > 'Device Manager'. If 'STM32 Virtual COM port Device (COMx)' appears (see left diagram below) , the device driver is installed properly; if 'CD Class example' appears (see right diagram below), Windows finds the device but not the driver; if no extra entry is found, Windows cannot find the device.

In the third case, there is a problem with the USB connection. Try a different USB cable and/or USB port. Get another USB device to verify that the USB cable and USB port work.

In the second case, follow the following steps to reinstall the driver.

  • Download a new driver and save it to your hard disk.
  • Run the exe file and extract the folder 'abpm50' to a temporary location. The folder contains two INF files, one is for 32-bit Windows and the other is for 64-bit Windows.
  • In device manager, double click 'CD Class example'.
  • Click the Driver tab, click Update Driver and follow the instructions.
  • When Windows asks for the driver location, set it to the folder 'abpm50' in the temporary location.
  • Continue until the installation finishes.
  • Restart the PC.

Software conflicts

The programs running on your PC are interfering with each other in accessing the COM port. One fix is to remove the offending program; however this works only if you know this is the problem and the trick is to find out the offending programs. I am not aware of any easy way to determine the conflict. There are a few things you can do to look for hints.

  • Communication error messages (e.g. 'Read COM failed') when running a program. This program is a partner involved in the conflict.
  • Error messages during system or program startup. The program generating the error message is another potential candidate.
  • Install the software on another PC (preferably a clean PC without installed programs that uses the USB port).

For one particular case, on a computer we used for testing various devices, we finally decided to reinstall Windows to solve the problem.

Possible fixes for resolving software conflicts are:

  • Uninstall the offending program.
  • Reinstall Windows
  • Multi-boot: By installing multiple operating systems on the same computer, you can built a 'clean' one and run the software on this copy. The drawback is you would require extra disk space and at least two disk partitions, one for each copy.
  • Virtual machine: See Microsoft Windows virtual PC, VMware virtual machine and Windows XP virtual machine. Each virtual machine would run within its own environment and would eliminate any interference. When building a virtual machine, do not copy from one that contains the conflicting software.

Contec Abpm 50 Drivers

The application does not use a lot of resources. Any old computer running WXP would work. If you encounter any software conflict, just re-install Windows to get a clean machine.

You should try to install the software on another computer first to verify the problem before trying multi-boot or virtual machine. These two approaches, though not difficult, require some expertise in installing Windows. There are many other advantages in running multiple instances of Windows on one computer, which has saved us many times in the past.

Contec Abpm50

Cuff sizes

The width of the cuff should be either 40% of the limb circumference (50% for neonates) or 2/3 of the upper arm length. The inflatable part of the cuff should be long enough to encircle 50-80%of the limb. The wrong size of cuff can cause erroneous readings. If the cuff size is in question, then use a larger cuff.

Make sure that the cuff edge falls within the range of mark <->. If it does not, use a larger or smaller cuff that fits better.

PatientLimb PerimeterCuff Width
Infant10-19 cm8 cm
Child18-26 cm10.6 cm
Adult125-35 cm14 cm
Adult233 - 47 cm17 cm
Thigh46-66 cm21 cm

ABPM CPT procedure codes

CPT code 93784 thru 93790 may be used for billing purposes, including:

Contec Abpm 50 Drivers
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; including recording, scanning analysis, interpretation and report.93784
Recording only93786
Scanning analysis with report93788
Physician review with interpretation and report93790

ABPM related IDC-9 codes

Elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension (The only ICD-9 code covered by Medicare)796.2
Essential hypertension401
Essential hypertension - Unspecified (Resistant)401.9
Hypertensive heart disease402
Hypertensive renal disease403
Nocturnal angina413.0
Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease429
Orthostatic hypotension458
Hypotension, unspecified458.9
Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium642
Transient hypertension of pregnancy642.2
Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia642.4
Unspecified hypertension complicating pregnancy642.9
Maternal hypotension syndrome669.2
Syncope and collapse780.2
Other Hypertension (Episodic, Labile, Postural)997.91

Medicare has approved the use of ABPM under certain medical situations.

Useful information on ambulatory blood pressure monitor

  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, Barry P McGrath, and on behalf of the National Blood Pressure Advisory Committee of the National Heart Foundation of Australia, The Medical Journal of Australia
  • Ambulatory blood pressure, Wikipedia
  • Clinical applications of ambulatory blood pressure monitor, Michael E. Ernst, PharMD, BCPS, George R. Bergus, MD, Medscape Today

Ambulatory blood pressure monitor ABPM-50 is a wearable, overnight and comfortable blood pressure monitor for adult, pediatric1, and neonatal1. ABPM-50 is designed for spot check and ambulatory applications. The ambulatory blood pressure monitor provides continuous 24-hour periodic blood pressure readings giving an accurate assessment of the patient's condition.

The ambulatory BPM can store over 600 measurements, including 300 records of common user and 358 of ambulatory blood pressure data. Every record includes the time, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, pulse rate, error message and record number. The records can be saved in a computer for further analysis and reporting. Carrying case and software are included.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has become a widely accepted method of blood pressure and heart rate evaluation. In UK, with some exceptions, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is required before a doctor can make a diagnosis of hypertension.


The 24-hour average blood pressures obtained in this way correlate well with a variety of hypertensive disease processes and are also a better prognostic marker for future cardiovascular events than office blood pressure. Ambulatory blood pressure averages also correlate well with indices of diastolic dysfunction. In patients with congestive cardiac failure and systolic dysfunction, ambulatory monitoring suggests an impaired circadian blood pressure profile with high nocturnal (nighttime) blood pressure.

The objective of blood pressure monitoring is to know one's blood pressure at all time. Sleeping accounts for about 8 hours a day and is not normally monitored. In fact, AHA has recommended that nighttime blood pressure should be 10-20% below daytime normal. Do you know what is your nighttime blood pressure?

ABPM-50 can also be used to monitor one's blood pressure during exercise. Blood pressure can go up to 200/80 during running and 300/200 during very heavy weight lifting for a normal person. According to a study published in American Journal of Hypertension (April 2004), people with very high blood pressure during exercise are most likely to develop high blood pressure. They are likely to have arteries that do not expand as much as normal arteries when blood is pumped to them. Consider going into a program (diet and exercise) for heart attack prevention if you have high readings during exercise.

See the article applications of ambulatory blood pressure monitor for more information.

Ambulatory monitoring has become covered by Medicare for the evaluation of 'white-coat' hypertension. White coat hypertension or white coat syndrome is a phenomenon in which patients exhibit elevated blood pressure in a clinical setting but not in other settings. Between 20% and 30% of patients diagnosed with hypertension in the office are actually Normotensive at other times. White coat hypertension is difficult to detect and would cause unnecessary treatment. Ambulatory monitoring is a good way to screen for white coat syndrome.

The ambulatory blood pressure monitor has an alarm with configurable thresholds for pulse rate, systolic and diastolic pressure.

During automatic measurement mode, the ambulatory blood pressure monitor can take measurements every X minutes according to the system configuration. There are two saved interval settings - asleep and awake and they can be changed in system setup.

See APBM-50 Reference for more information on the product.

Sample LCD displays

Sample computer displays


  • cuff width1: 14cm for arms with 25 ~ 35 cm perimeter
  • Dimension: 128mmx69mmx36mm
  • Weight: < 350g (Including Batteries)
  • Measurement method: Oscillometry
  • Operation model: Manual/Automatic
  • Measurement programs: Awake and asleep
  • Measurement interval (minutes): 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 (asleep only)
  • Measurement unit: mmHg/KPa selectable
  • Measurement types: Systolic, Diastolic, Mean
  • Measurement range:
    Adult pressure: 10-270 mmHg; Pulse rate: 30-220 bpm
    Pediatric pressure:10-200 mmHg; Pulse rate: 30-220 bpm
    Neonate pressure: 10-135 mmHg; Pulse rate: 30-220 bpm
  • Power: 2 AA alkaline batteries
  • Meets ANSI/AAMI SP10-1992 standard for performance and accuracy

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