Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers

  1. Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers Date Of Manufacture
  2. M14 Serial Number Database
  3. Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Number Dates
So today I came across one of those 'old guy dies and tons of firearms for sale' thing. Lot's of nice things,two FAL's,few M1's(some carbines in there) and also a M14SA built by federal ordnance. Now I've done some research and found out it was a chinese one. Serial C-003*. Everything I read says pretty much they are junk so my question is what is the thing worth? Should I get it or pass? I'm also thinking about getting one of the FAL's which was german built. Unfortunately I didnt take any pictures of the FAL because I was mesmerized by the M14. I know, dumb move.

Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers Date Of Manufacture

Federal Ordnance M14 Serial NumbersFederal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers

M14 Serial Number Database

  • Federal Ordnance M14A M-14A M1A 22' 7.62mm Semi-Automatic Rifle Original GI Parts Assembled. Federal Ordnance Inc. Serial Number: 6186. Year of Manufacture: Modern. This Federal Ordnance Inc. Model M14A is a civilian version of an M14 made with GI parts. This one is impressive as it is in Fine-plus condition.
  • The low profile of the ARMS would make this even worse. Supposedly this is mostly due to newer Springfields having commercial extractors and the path of ejection being more upward than outward. My rifle is a 1994 build with a serial number in the low 80000 range and is pretty much all GI parts.

Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Number Dates

The following list is not complete but based on observation of serial numbers U. Commercial manufacturers have produced at least this many M14 type receivers: Springfield Armory, Inc. (Texas and Illinois) M1A - 152,794 Armscorp M14 NM, M21 - 17,000 Federal Ordnance M14, M14A, M14SA, CM14SA - 60,000 Smith Enterprise M-14, M-14 NM - 2,505.

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