Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers

Marlin Model 99-M1. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 20 of 20 Posts. Senilking Registered. Joined Feb 14, 2012 3,501 Posts. Discussion Starter. #1. May 20, 2015. Where can you find information about a 22 LR Marlin Model 99 M1? You have not asked a question.Please include the serial number to your marlin model 1894 rifle to get a correct answer.

Marlin 99 Notes: The Model 99 (and its variants) was built in very large numbers for a rimfire rifle. The Model 99 used a short, flat-sided receiver with a curved back, and a stock with a shallow pistol grip wrist. The trigger unit included the safety, which was a crossbolt design located at the rear of the trigger guard. The 1899H and the early model 99F are almost identical, the only thing we can go by on what model it is will be the serial number, even though the two rifles overlap each other. Most of the 1899H’s will have a serial number under 200,000 except for a bunch of the 22H.P.’s which went up into the 220,000’s, thus puzzling us if we have an.

Interesting Guns No. 85

Marlin’s Levermatic Rifle Line
Offered Untraditional Design

by John Malloy

Contributing Editor to The New Gun Week

The Marlin LThis specimen is one of the first manufactured—a .22-caliber Model 56 with a 24-inch barrel and serial numbered in the 1,000 range. evermatic was a full-size rifle with a unique short-stroke lever action.

The Marlin Firearms Company has been known since 1881 for their line of traditionally-styled lever-action rifles. All Marlin lever guns made today look very much like the rifles that the company made in its earliest days. They have a certain characteristic look about them. They have outside hammers, finger levers that move about 90 degrees to operate the action, and have tubular magazines.

However, for a relatively short time in the late 1950s and 1960s, Marlin made lever-action rifles that were very different from the traditional pattern. With a speed of operation between the traditional lever action and the semi-automatic, these interesting guns were called the “Levermatic” rifles.

The Levermatic story actually began around 1950 with the Kessler Arms Company of Silver Creek, NY. The Kessler company made inexpensive bolt-action shotguns which were sold under many names. The Kessler guns were available at a time when the post-WWII interest in hunting and shooting had increased the demand for affordable firearms. The Kessler company only remained in business for about three years, but during that time, made over three-quarters of a million shotguns. Toward the end of its existence, the Kessler firm introduced a lever-action shotgun, called the Kessler “Lever-Matic.” The Lever-Matic gun was unique among lever-action firearms in that it required a very short stroke of the lever to operate the action. A mechanism with a special accelerator lever allowed this.

When the company went bankrupt, Numrich Arms Company of West Hurley, NY, bought all the remaining Kessler guns and parts. They had occasion to contact Marlin, and supplied complete guns and parts for study.


From that start, the Marlin Levermatic rifles developed. Marlin saw an opportunity to create a new niche in lever-action rifles—a hammerless short-stroke rifle with a different magazine type. Marlin negotiated a royalty agreement with the original inventors, and Marlin engineers Ewald Nichol and Tom Robinson developed the mechanism for the rifles. The short, smooth action used a cam-and-roller accelerator system that allowed a lever movement of less than 1½ inches. This short movement allowed the shooter’s hand to remain on the grip of the stock, and was much faster than a traditional lever action.

A close-up of the Levermatic action shows that, with the action closed, the rear of the bolt has tipped up to lock into the receiver opening. The action was strong and the rifle had a good reputation for accuracy.

There were five distinct variations of the Marlin Levermatic rifle.

The first Levermatic was the Model 56. Introduced in 1955, it was a .22-caliber rifle with a 7-shot box (“clip”) magazine. The new .22 provided a lower-priced alternative to the traditional Marlin Model 39 lever-action .22 rifle. However, the new Levermatic design had advantages of its own. The Model 56 had a one-piece stock, and was bedded into the stock with two bolts. The system was a good one for accuracy, and the new Marlin 56 quickly developed a reputation for excellent accuracy. It was furnished with traditional open sights, but to bring out the inherent accuracy, the Model 56 was drilled and tapped for both receiver sights and scope mounts.

The action was a strong one, with the rear of the bolt rising up to lock into the receiver opening. The locking system was reminiscent of that of the famed Savage 99. Another feature similar to the Savage was the manual safety, located behind the trigger, on the right side of the lever. Differing notably in its short 25-degree lever throw, the new Marlin seemed to be not only a good rifle in its own right, but perfect as a .22-caliber understudy for the 99.


Some changes occurred during the production of the Model 56. In 1956, the squared steel receiver was supplanted by a curved aluminum receiver that blended into the lines of the stock. At that time, a Monte Carlo stock became standard. The Model 56 initially came with a 24-inch barrel (which was later reduced to 22 inches), and weighed about 6¼ pounds. Furnished with a seven-shot magazine, the Model 56 could use optional 10-round and 12-round magazines which were also available.

With the action open (yes, that is as far as the short-stroke lever moves), the bolt tips down and moves rearward inside the receiver. The Model 56 had a box (clip) magazine. Other .22-caliber variants had tubular magazines.

The Model 56 performed well, and was a fairly popular rifle. In the period between 1955 and its discontinuance in 1964 a total of 31,523 were made.

In 1959, a special version of the Model 56 was made. Called the Model 56 DL “Clipper King,” the rifle came with a 4-power scope already mounted, and a 12-shot magazine was standard. On the barrel was the three-line legend, “Marlin Clipper King,” and a crown symbol. The buttplate was made of red hard rubber (instead of the standard black buttplate). The 56 DL came in a cardboard gun case, and also included were a tube of Marlin Rustopper grease, a game and target record book, a sighting-in guide, a game map, and 50 targets. Only 152 of the special Clipper King rifles were made. It is a little-known variation that may someday be of interest to collectors.

Nineteen-fifty-nine was a busy time for the Levermatic lineup. In addition to the 56 DL, Marlin also introduced two tubular-magazine short-stroke lever rifles. The Model 57 was chambered for .22 Short, Long or Long Rifle, and the Model 57M was made for the new .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (.22WMR) cartridge. After Winchester announced the .22 Magnum cartridge in 1959, Marlin required only a slight redesign of the basic Levermatic mechanism to adapt it to the new rimfire cartridge. Thus, Marlin was able to beat Winchester into production. Winchester did not market a rifle to shoot their new cartridge until 1960.

Tubular Magazines

The Model 57 rifles were introduced with curved aluminum receivers, but in 1960, Marlin reportedly reverted back to the squared steel receivers for the Levermatic rifles. The tubular-magazine variants of the Levermatic were more popular than the original box-magazine version. A total of 34,628 Model 57s (1959-1965) were made, while the even more popular 57M, in .22 Magnum (1959-1969) sold 66,889 rifles.

The basic Levermatic action was a strong one, and in 1963, Marlin decided to bring out a centerfire version of the Levermatic. This became the Marlin Model 62. With the centerfire Model 62, Marlin returned to the use of box magazines. In the first catalog listing, the calibers to be offered were .357 Magnum, .256 Winchester Magnum and .22 Remington Jet. (The .256 and .22 Jet were both necked-down versions of the .357.) Subsequent catalogs listed the .256 and the .22 Jet only.

In fact, though, only the .256 Winchester Magnum version was actually produced, and the Marlin Model 62 was the first rifle ever to be produced in that caliber. In some places, the Model 62 is often listed as having been available in .256 and .22 Jet, but the .22 Jet rifles were never made.

However, in 1966, a new caliber was added to the Levermatic line. The .30 Carbine cartridge had become very popular after World War II, but was available in little else beside surplus M1 Carbines. The .30 Carbine chambering was offered in the Model 62, which gave shooters a choice of a fast-operating, accurate rifle suitable for scope mounting.

The Model 62, in both calibers, was discontinued in 1969. The total production was 15,714 guns. The popularity of the .30 Carbine version is shown in the fact that, although it was introduced three years after the .256, over 50% (7,996) of the Model 62s sold were in the.30 Carbine chambering.

Serial Numbers

An interesting sidelight of the Levermatic story involves serial numbering. Today, we are used to the fact that passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968 required serial numbering of all firearms. However, when the Model 56 was introduced in 1955, federal law required serial numbering only of centerfire rifles, but not of .22 rimfire rifles.

At first, Marlin began numbering the Model 56 .22-caliber rifles, anyway. The company had always applied serial numbers to their Model 39 .22-caliber lever-action rifles, and it seemed natural to continue with the Levermatic. However, a Marlin study showed that it was not really cost-effective to continue the numbering, record-keeping and reporting procedures for the new rifles. By that time, serial numbers had been applied only to the earliest-production Model 56 rifles, and then the practice was discontinued.

As new Levermatic models—the Models 56DL, 57 and 57M—were added to the line, the same tradition of not applying serial numbers was continued. This tradition was continued when the Model 62 Levermatic was introduced. However, the Model 62 was a centerfire rifle. To their embarrassment, after about 4,000 Model 62 rifles had been shipped without serial numbers, Marlin belatedly realized that they had been in violation of the law. A recall program was initiated, and owners could return their rifles for serial numbering. Even at the time of this writing, apparently some of the unnumbered centerfire Levermatics have not been returned. Present owners can still contact Marlin for procedures to have their guns numbered.

The Levermatic rifle is an interesting sidelight in the offerings of the Marlin company. It offered an innovative new action type for a .22 rifle, with a fast action and excellent accuracy. It was in the forefront to offer the .22 Magnum when that cartridge was announced. It was the first rifle ever to chamber the new .256 Winchester Magnum. In a niche of their own, the Levermatic variations were fairly popular, and almost 150,000 were made.

The Marlin Levermatic rifle, in all its different variations, is an interesting gun.

Malloy tries out a Marlin Model 56 Levermatic and
finds it to be a fast-handling rifle with good accuracy.

Reprinted by Permission from The New Gun Week (Thanks to Joe Tartaro and John Krull)
Vol. 40 Issue 1811 - Jan. 1. 2005
Visit Gun Week on the web at

To SEE Marlin Gun Stocks, CLICK

MARLIN 30-336-1895 Lever Rifles

State Model and Caliber.

Straight Or Pistol Grip Stock

#1 Marlin 336 Stock Checkered.....OUT

#2 336 Stock Straight Checkered....$150

336 Straight Grip Oil finish Plain..$100

Forend 336 Checkered.....................$100

Forend 1895 Forend Checkered......$100

These are more after

these forends are gone.

#3 336 Pistol Grip Stock Plain.........$100

Marlin 336 Lever Pistol Grip Rifle Set.

336 Black Synthetic $OUT

Stock Walnut Semi Finish.. P grip..$100

Stock Walnut Semi Straight Grip...$100

Just Butt Plate.. Requires fitting...$25

Tang Stock Screw............................$ 6

Ejector With Spring..........................$20

Extractor With Spring......................$15


Lever Spring.....................................$ 6

Left new model firing Pin.................$25

Right Old Model Firing Pin ..Net...$35

Rear Firing Pin.................................$10

Rear Firing Pin Leaf Spring............$ 4

Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers

Front Band........................................$20

Front Band Screw............................. out

Click to Enlarge

Front Sight Ramp only.....................$15

Front Ramp Screw.....Each..............$ out

Front sight that fiits on ramp...........$20

Rear Sight Snap Down....................$25

Thick Rear Sight Step......................$ 5

Front Sight Hood.... Oval. MODERN FIRST ONE SHOWN GOING RIGHT PAST SIGHT...............$20

Front Sight Hood Round Top..........OUT


Hammer Screw.................................$ 4

Hammer Spring................................$ 8

Hammer Spring Guide.....................$ 8

Hammer Spur Extension................Out

Loading Gate...................................$20

Gate Screw.......................................$ 4

Magazine Tube .........Net................$30

Magazine Tube Follower.................$ 8

Magazine Tube Spring....................$15

Magazine Tube Plug........................$18

Plug Screw........................................$ 3

Rear Band........Net.........................$20

Rear Band Screw.............................out

Tang Screw.......................................$ 6

Peep Sight Uses two Rear Peep sight

Mount Holes.....................................$45


MARLIN .22 Bolt Action


State Which Model Parts Wanted

Any Inside Magazine Assembly.....$40

Any Magnum Inside Assembly......$40

Any Model Standard 22 Clip..........$25

22 Magnum 15 Shot Clip....Net......$35

Cocking Knob.................................$25

Extractor Band Type......................$25

Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers

Ejector Wire Type..........................$10

Flat Firing Pin.................................$25

Round Firing Pin.............................$20

Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers Lookup

Rear Firing Pin...............................$10


Striker Knob New Model...............$20

Dovetail front Sight.........................out

Dovetail Rear Sight........................$20

Rear Sight Elevator........................$ 5

Peep SightFits Factory Holes.....$45

Some have to be Drilled and tapped.

Ask on other parts.....scarce.................

Marlin A-1 Automatic .22

Peep Sight A-1..............................$45

MARLIN Magazines

Marlin 39 Lever.................................22...$40

Marlin 39 Lever.................22 Magnum...$40

Marlin 55 Goose Gun 12 Gauge.............Out

Marlin 60 (Three Lengths)................22...$40

Marlin 70 Standard Magazine..........22...$40

Marlin 75............................................22...$40

Marlin 81............................................22...$40

Marlin 88 Auto...................................22...$40

Marlin 98............................................22...$40

Marlin 99............................................22...$40

Marlin 99 Carbine..............................22...$40

Marlin 781 Bolt Action................... ..22...$40

Marlin 782 Bolt Magnum 7 Shot..22 M..$40

Marlin 783 Bolt Action......................22...$40

Marlin 882 Bolt Magnum 7 Shot.22 M...$35

Marlin 990 Automatic...............................$35

Marlin 992 Magnum 5 Shot.......22 M....$30

Click to Enlarge

#1 Old model Flat side .22 LR .........$45

#2 Late Model Round end 22 LR....$35

#3 22 Magnum. Net Price.................$35

#4 12 Ga Shotgun Clip....................Out

#5 10 GA Shotgun clip....................Out

Marlin 55 Goose Gun................12.Out

Click to see Stock Pictures and Prices.



Long Obsolete Lever Actions;

Click to Enlarge Picture

#1 27-29-34 Walnut Crescent Cut........$100

#2 36-39 Walnut Pistol Grip Semi Fin. $100

#3 39-97 Mountie & Carbine SOLD OUT

#4 93-94-97 Straight Walnut Semi Fin..OUT

#5 95 Straight Walnut Semi Finish........$100

#6 94 Old Model Oil Finish...................$100

#7 94 Cowboy Crescent Cut Semi Fin.$100

#8 92 Crescent Cut Semi Finish..........$100


No Camp 9 OR 45 Stocks AVAILABLE

92 Crescent Stock Semi Finish............$100

97 Mountie & Carbine Stock Semi.....out

Crescent cut semi finish are the stocks

Antique dealers use to restore old Models.

Straight dense grain ready to Finish.


With Matching Front Sight

Click to Enlarge

Ladder Sight Used on many of the early

Model Lever Action Rifles.

. 3/8 Dovetail makes it great for

other Marlin Rifles

It will also fit any other rifle with a Dovetail

slot for the rear sight. Such as the Winchester

62 ,64, 94, 1890, 1906, 64 and 65

Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers Chart

Ladder Sight.......................................$125

Front Silver Blade Sight......3/8..........$25

Front Blue Blade Sight........3/8..........$25


Click to Enlarge

Model 60 Series Tube Magazine........$OUT

Model 70 Series Clip Magazine..........$OUT

Light and only 31 Inches Long!

Marlin Model 99m1 Serial Number Location

Synthetic With added Glass Filled.

Strong and short. Pistol Grip.

Comes with A top scope mount base,

Sling, Adjustable front and rear Sights.

Large Black recoil Pad.........................OUT

81 22 Bolt Rifle Walnut Semi Finish.......OUT

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