Message Tracer Mac Library

Log a message.

General messages¶

View message trace results for messages less than 7 days old. After you run a message trace in the EAC, the results will be listed, sorted by date, with the most recent message appearing first. You can sort on any of the listed fields by clicking their headers. Clicking a column header a second time will reverse the sort order. We connect today's community to a world of possibilities. Browse materials, services, and programs or find out how to visit the nearest Phoenix Public Library location. Whenever I open 'About this Mac' 'More Info.' And navigate to logs there is an entry with the following content. Any idea what I can do about it? /usr/bin/pmset -g log: Description: Power Management logs. Last Modified: 5/19/11 11:26 PM. Recent Contents: Couldn't locate MessageTracer database (at path /var/log.

Record the specified message text in the log. If more than one messagestring is given, they are concatenated into a single message with noseparator between the strings.

The optional <mode> keyword determines the type of message, whichinfluences the way the message is handled:


CMake Error, stop processing and generation.


CMake Error, continue processing, but skip generation.


CMake Warning, continue processing.


CMake Warning (dev), continue processing.


CMake Deprecation Error or Warning if variableCMAKE_ERROR_DEPRECATED or CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATEDis enabled, respectively, else no message.

(none) or NOTICE

Important message printed to stderr to attract user's attention.


The main interesting messages that project users might be interested in.Ideally these should be concise, no more than a single line, but stillinformative.


Detailed informational messages intended for project users. These messagesshould provide additional details that won't be of interest in most cases,but which may be useful to those building the project when they want deeperinsight into what's happening.


Detailed informational messages intended for developers working on theproject itself as opposed to users who just want to build it. These messageswill not typically be of interest to other users building the project andwill often be closely related to internal implementation details.


Fine-grained messages with very low-level implementation details. Messagesusing this log level would normally only be temporary and would expect to beremoved before releasing the project, packaging up the files, etc.

New in version 3.15: Added the NOTICE, VERBOSE, DEBUG, and TRACE levels.

The CMake command-line tool displays STATUS to TRACE messages on stdoutwith the message preceded by two hyphens and a space. All other message typesare sent to stderr and are not prefixed with hyphens. TheCMakeGUI displays all messages in its log area.The cursesinterface shows STATUS to TRACEmessages one at a time on a status line and other messages in aninteractive pop-up box. The --log-level command-line option to each ofthese tools can be used to control which messages will be shown.

New in version 3.17: To make a log level persist between CMake runs, theCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL variable can be set instead.Note that the command line option takes precedence over the cache variable.

New in version 3.16: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below will have each line precededby the content of the CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT variable (converted toa single string by concatenating its list items). For STATUS to TRACEmessages, this indenting content will be inserted after the hyphens.

New in version 3.17: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below can also have each line precededwith context of the form [some.context.example]. The content between thesquare brackets is obtained by converting the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXTlist variable to a dot-separated string. The message context will alwaysappear before any indenting content but after any automatically added leadinghyphens. By default, message context is not shown, it has to be explicitlyenabled by giving the cmake--log-contextcommand-line option or by setting the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOWvariable to true. See the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT documentation forusage examples.

CMake Warning and Error message text displays using a simple markuplanguage. Non-indented text is formatted in line-wrapped paragraphsdelimited by newlines. Indented text is considered pre-formatted.

Message Tracer Mac Library Software

Reporting checks¶

A common pattern in CMake output is a message indicating the start of somesort of check, followed by another message reporting the result of that check.For example:

This can be more robustly and conveniently expressed using the CHECK_...keyword form of the message() command:

Message Tracer Mac Library

where <checkState> must be one of the following:


Record a concise message about the check about to be performed.


Record a successful result for a check.


Record an unsuccessful result for a check.

When recording a check result, the command repeats the message from the mostrecently started check for which no result has yet been reported, then someseparator characters and then the message text provided after theCHECK_PASS or CHECK_FAIL keyword. Check messages are always reportedat STATUS log level.

Checks may be nested and every CHECK_START should have exactly onematching CHECK_PASS or CHECK_FAIL.The CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT variable can also be used to addindenting to nested checks if desired. For example:

Output from the above would appear something like the following:

Prepare your external drive

You can store your library on an external storage device, such as a USB or Thunderbolt drive formatted as APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled). However, you can't move your library to a disk that's used for Time Machine backups.

To prevent data loss, Apple doesn't recommend storing photo libraries on external storage devices like SD cards and USB flash drives, or drives that are shared on a network.

Move your Photos library to an external storage device

  1. Quit Photos.
  2. In the Finder, go to the external drive where you want to store your library.
  3. In another Finder window, find your library. The default location is Users > [username] > Pictures, and it's named Photos Library.
  4. Drag your library to its new location on the external drive. If you see an error, select your external drive's icon in the Finder, then choose File > Get Info. If the information under Sharing & Permissions isn't visible, click the triangle , then make sure the 'Ignore ownership on this volume' checkbox is selected. If it's not selected, click the lock button to unlock it, enter an administrator name and password, then select the checkbox.*
  5. After the move is finished, double-click Photos Library in its new location to open it.
  6. If you use iCloud Photo Library, designate this library as the System Photo Library.

Delete original library to save space

After you open your library from its new location and make sure that it works as expected, you can delete the library from its original location.

In a Finder window, go back to your Pictures folder (or whichever folder you copied your library from) and move Photos Library to the trash. Then choose Finder > Empty Trash to delete the library and reclaim disk space.

Message Tracer Mac Library Application

Open another Photos library

If you have multiple libraries, here's how to open a different one:

Message Tracer Mac

  1. Quit Photos.
  2. Press and hold the Option key while you open Photos.
  3. Select the library that you want to open, then click Choose Library.

Photos uses this library until you open a different one.

Learn more

If you have a permissions issue with your library, you might be able to resolve the issue by using the Photos library repair tool.

* If the volume isn't formatted APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled), or has been used for Time Machine backups but hasn't been erased, this checkbox will either not be present, or won't be selectable after unlocking. Erase and reformat the drive for this option to be available.

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