Online Banking System Project In Java

Bank management system project in java with source code and project report. Which contains all the required documents like ER diagram, DFD, Flow Chart of the bank management system.

Online banking system project in java example

Bank management project builds using Java as the core technology and J2ee, JSP, and HTML and front end, Servlet as a server-side language. following MVC and Maven tool to manage the dependency It using MYSQL and back-end to maintain the database records. Let’s see the required software, technology, and bank management project in java with a description in detail.

Bank management system project in java with source code

Objective of Online bank management project in java

First Level DFD (1st Level) of Online Banking System shows how the system is divided into sub-systems (processes). The 2nd Level DFD contains more details of Account Type, Customer, Branch, Balance, Transaction, Account, Bank. Online Voting System Project In Java Pdf Low level functionalities of Online Banking System.

The main objective is to create a web-based only system. which will help to maintain the bank account records, Maintain the transaction records of the customers. Easy to track all the banking activity a centralized system to maintain all the bank activity. Let’s check the project description with the role of different users.

This Project contains all the basic activities of the bank. there is 2 main actor.

  1. Admin (Bank)
  2. User(Customer)

Online banking system project documentation or project report covers detailed explanation of every module with explanation of working principle, software and hardware requirements, block diagrams, dfd diagram, sequence diagram, flow chart, database design, database tables, screen shots. Online Bank Management System Project in Java using hibernate with source code and project report. It’s a web application design to automate Banking services. This Online Bank Management System project in Java using Hibernate is can be a Minor or Major project in Java for Computer Science Students.

Admin: Following activity performs by admin or bank user.

  • The bank can ADD/EDIT/UPDATE new customers.
  • Admin can ADD/EDIT/UPDATE Bank.
  • The bank can ADD/EDIT/UPDATE transactions as per the customer request.

When a new user will be added under any bank. A unique account number will generate automatically for the customer that the user will use this during the transactions.

User: User can perform following crud operation.

  • Users can register and login in to the application.
  • Users can send money to another user.
  • The user can update his profile.
  • Users can check the transaction history as well.

To check all the flow and functionality of the project. I will suggest you to watch the video.

Technology used in the Hospital Management System project in java

Front-End : Jsp, Html, CSS, JS.

Server-side: Servlet.

Back-end: MYSQL.

Server: Tomcat 8.5.

Skype Id: jcodebun
Price: 1500 INR

Note: If you need the source code you can contact. We will provide complete source code and all the required things like Database. We have created STEP by STEP configuration tutorial to help you in the configuration process.

Step by Step Tutorial to configure Java project

Viva Questions and answer for java project

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If you find any kind of difficulties during the configuration. We will also provide a complete project configuration remotely using anyDesk or Zoom.


Project Objective

The purpose of this Banking System Project is to build a system which will integrate many bank account to the single software-based system. It will provide an easy and fast way to access all the bank through a single interface. By using this system a person who has different accounts in the respective bank or other banks can log in the multi-banking system and can access to their bank accounts. So this system will provide a structure which will link all the bank of a person into one place.


Existing System

In the existing Banking System Project system, there is no such system is present who provide such interface, a person can access to their bank account by online or offline but can’t access through a single interface. So a customer needs to remember the details of each bank.

Proposed System

Banking System Project In Java


While the proposed system will provide an integrated system to the client so that he/she can do banking from a single place. This system will also store and maintain details of each bank so that a person need not remember. The multi Banking System Project system can be used by an industry to maintain and to provide the salary of different workers from the different account through a single system. This system consists of four major module.

Multi Banking System Project Modules

The first module contains bank module, through this bank can view and maintain the details of the customer. They can also check the bank type of the customer like it is saving or current account. They can view the information like transaction details. The second type of module is the customer module, this module will provide all the details of the customer such as all the bank accounts numbers, address, name. This also provides features such as transfer of money from one bank account to other, creating the new accounts where a user will feed the details new bank and will provide the account number of the respective bank. Delete of a bank account if the account is closed. While a person can view all the information of different banks.

He/she can view the details such as the transaction of the amount from one bank to another bank, the pending transaction and accepted/rejected the transaction. The third module consists of admin module which has a control of adding or rejecting a new person or bank to the system. The fourth module is the report module which can be accessed by the admin that the number of people is in the system and the different banks that are connected to the system.

System Requirements

The software required for this system to work is windows system, JAVA, oracle, Tomcat, CSS, HTML, Java Script. While the hardware requirements are Pentium 4 processor, RAM 512 MB, 20 GB hard disk.

Online Banking System Project In Java Programming

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