Cracking Flexlm Licenses

I tried to generate license with vendor keys and encryption seeds I've posted before using FlexLM 11.4 SDK. At this moment I tried simpliest method of lmcode.h editing (with parameters you may look at below). Numerous postings, some confirmed by EE Times, share tips on how to crack FLEXlm or point to Web sites containing code for breaking licenses on specific EDA products. 'Basically, these guys are doing things like downloading evaluation copies of Model Technology ModelSim and cracking licenses,' Cooley said.

  1. License for CrossManager Save your license file (.lic) in a fixed folder (preferably: C: flexlm). Run CrossManager as administrator (SHIFT + Right click- 'Run as administrator') Click on the 'Options' button. Click on the bouton 'Browse/Install Licenses'. Select your license file (in the folder C: flexlm) and click on 'Open'.
  2. An online EDA discussion group is circulating tips on how to get free software by illegally cracking FLEXlm license managers, EE Times has learned. The group has come to the attention of EDA activist John Cooley, who says he'll reactivate his 'Stealthnet' mailing list to warn EDA vendors about the potential thefts.


Crack / Bit hack


It's simple, take the program, decompiled, debugged, found needed code, crack.
- Solution usually takes little time.
- Cheaper than other ways of solving.
- The solution does not support the new version of the protected program.
- Universal solutions do not exist.


For create Crack need:

  • Software distributive / setup files (upload to MEGA or Dropbox)
Cracked software:
Alterix Designer x64 v2019.2.5.62427
Endless renewal of a 14-day offline Trial License
SpaceClaim 2017 SP0 x64 bit
For solution need have any real serial number activation code
Autohydro v6.3.0
Remove unknow dongle type
Autoship Pro v9.2.0
Remove unknow dongle type
UFED Phone Detective v4.0.0.6
Crack License Activation (.NET Crack)
UFED Physical Analyzer v5.3.5.14
Crack License Activation (.NET Crack)
Ciba COLIBRI v3.2.4
Possible use license on ANY computers
Remove expitation date restriction
datacolor Match Pigment Plus v3.3.0.40
datacolor TOOLS v2.1.1
Crack datacolor product license validation
Plandroid v5.1.0.3
Remove TRIAL ending (.NET Crack)
Microcam v4.0
Remove China SafeNet SoftDog protection
Crack FlexLM License Server
PasmaCut v1.0.0.4
Crack Autorization Codes
PrismaPro 2 v2.5.1.378
Included all modules
Advance Design America (ADA) 2018 x64 bit
Possible make any licenses

Landi Renzo Omegas v3.2.0.458 C- v4.2.0.6 C
Remove License File Crack

LifeNetServer v2.15.1
Remove SoftLock Activation
Possible Change Modules Configuration
Marco Loos
WinSTOP v1.05 (Biuld 3077)
Remove stop working software after 30 minutes.
MMC Colibri® 3.8.6 Build 18321 Windows 64-bit
Possible use license on ANY computers
Remove expitation date restriction
Defraser v1.4.2 (32-bit Full Edition)
Remove TRIAL restriction
Eureqa v1.24.0
Endless 30 day Trial
AveraSell v4.3.8
Make 'Premiere Edition Multi-User'

SEMCAD X64 v14.8.6
FlexLm Full license crack.

ReRave Plus Arcade Game v2.0.0
Remove dongle protection

MDE v12.75
Generate License file

Tekla Structures 2019 (Build 45588)
FlexLM Full License CRACK
Tekla Structures 2018 SP3 (Build 17404)
FlexLM Full License CRACK
Tekla Structures 2018i SP2 (Build 18796)
FlexLM Full License CRACK
Color iControl v9.7.10.1
Remove Registration License Key
Zixi Feeder v13.3.38327 for Windows x64 and Linux x64
Only for users with a real license, use on multiple computers.
Zixi Receiver v13.1.35616 for Windows x64 and Linux x64
Only for users with a real license, use on multiple computers.

Sim4Life v2.2.0.869
FlexLm Full license crack.

Zixi Receiver v13.1.35616 for Windows x64 and Linux x64
Only for users with a real license, use on multiple computers.

PolyPattern v7.5

GravoStyle™ 5

Tex-Design - Tex-Store v8.00.234
Possible include all modules.

Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX 5.1
Proficy Historian v4.5.149.0
Possible remove expiration restriction.
Possible change dongle license information.
METUS INGEST v3.1.0.5 x64
Cracking Flexlm Licenses

GibbsCAM 2007 v8.5

Bamboo v4.0
DrillMatrix v4.0
ElectrodeX v4.0
Mosaix v4.0
RaVe v4.0
RhinoNC v1.0
SUM3D v1.0
Dental Shaper v1.0
SHOT v4.0
LabSolutions v5.82
Marvin CAD 2012
MWM TEM Evolution System JView v3.5.2
Service WIBU-BOX Dongle RED
Authorization WIBU-BOX Dongle YELLOW
progeCAD 2006 Pro. ITA SP1 v6.1.8


Bamboo v5 Rev. 27.02.2015
Drillmatrix v4 Rev. 13-09-2013
Electrodex v4 Rev. 13.09.2013
Mosaix v4 Rev. 13.09.2013
Rave v4 Rev.13.09.2013
RhinoNC Rhino5 32Bit & 64Bit Rev. 07.11.2013

TRUMPF TOPS100 v05.41.00_B001
TRUMPF TOPS300 v05.10.06
Possible generate any license configuration.

Syptomen-Lexicon-Digital v3.0

WearCadfe v2.1
Activate license generation.

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This section explains the structure andusage of the FLEXlm licensing file (license.dat) in PTC's implementationand the delivery of codes in the new License Pack format.


Your license codes are given to you ina License Pack. The license pack contains a customer information sectionand a license information section. The license information section contains'feature lines' that define your PTC licenses and floating options.

For floating licenses, the license informationsection also contains 'SERVER' and 'DAEMON' lines.

If you obtained your License Pack by e-mailor through the www (for maintenance releases only), you can save the LicensePack to a file. The file can be imported directly into Pro/SETUP. Thiseliminates the task of manually entering your license information. Thistechnique is highly recommended.

If you cannot obtain an on-line copy ofyour License Pack, your license information will need to be entered intoPro/SETUP manually.

Your license file contains all the licenseinformation (multiple feature lines) for all Configuration IDs assignedto a particular CPU. That is, all licenses for all PTC products licensedto a single machine can be defined in a single license file.

Example: A configuration of Pro/ENGINEER,Pro/FLY-THROUGH, and a license of Pro/MECHANICA are all licensed to a singlelicense server. PTC can provide license information for all products ona single License Pack. If an on-line copy of this file is obtained, thesingle file can be used during the installation of all three products andneeds to be imported into Pro/SETUP only once.


For floating licenses, the license informationsection of your License Pack contains a SERVER line. The SERVER line definesthe hostname of the FLEXlm license server, the CPUID of the server,and the TCP/IP port number for communication with PTC clients. Only oneserver line is needed per license server.

When you get your license pack, a genericstring will populate the hostname field. If you import the license packinto Pro/SETUP, this field will be replaced with the actual hostname ofthe server. If you are entering your license information into Pro/SETUPmanually, you will need to replace this hostname when your license informationis entered.

On your License Pack, the default serverline format is:

SERVER __hostname__ PTC_HOSTID=(Your CPUID) 7788

If your license server’s hostname was 'spock',the hostname field will be expanded to read:

SERVER spock PTC_HOSTID=08-00-69-76-0A-2E 7788


Each license server requires a daemon line to define the name of thePTC FLEXlm daemon and the path to the executable in the FLEXlminstallation directory. On your License Pack, the path to the executableis replaced with a generic string that is replaced with the appropriatepath when the License Pack is imported into Pro/SETUP.

On your License Pack, the default server line format is:


Cracking Flexlm Licenses

If your license server was installed in the /opt/ptc/flexlm directory,the daemon line would read:

DAEMON ptc_d /opt/ptc/flexlm/sun4_solaris/obj/ptc_d


With FLEXlm, serial numbers and security codes have been replacedwith 'feature lines' to license your software.

Feature lines define all the licensing elements (product, modules, numberof licenses, and so on) to use the license on the proper host. Since allelements of a license are defined in a feature line, it can be said thatfeature lines replace the serial number, and security codes (revision codes,option codes, floating license codes, etc.) of PTC’s proprietary licensingscheme.

Feature lines are stored in a 'license file' that is usedby FLEXlm and PTC software. A single license file can contain multiplefeature lines for a single or multiple products.

Feature line formats vary depending on the type of license and its usage.Refer to Appendix C for examples of feature lines per license type.

The following example shows a feature line for five locked evaluationlicenses of Release 20.0 Pro/ENGINEER license for cpu_id 08-00-4E-22-AB-08.Note that the feature line contains all licensing information for the licenseand replaces the serial number and associated security codes.

Cracking Flexlm Licenses &

INCREMENT PROE_366 ptc_d 20.0 11-Jul-1998 0 85739247224342g47s94VENDOR_STRING='VSVER=1.0

Flexlm License Monitoring Free

LO=(0 2 4 6 7 9 10 17 19 21 22)'







FeatureLine Components

Each feature line contains all the components necessary to license thesoftware including Feature name (product prefix_configuration ID), release,expiration date for timed licenses, number of licenses, optional modules,issue date, and the license code. The license code is defined by all theparameters that define the license.

The figure below shows an example of five floating evaluation licensesof Pro/ENGINEER Release 20.0. For licenses that use a FLEXlm server(floating licenses, floating options, and counted locked licenses) theCPUID is specified in the SERVER line, not the feature line.

Refer to Appendix B for a list of feature names by product.

License Files

Pro/SETUP stores your feature lines in a file called the 'licensefile'. By default, the file is a text file written to flexlm_installation_directory/licensing/license.dat.This file is read by the PTC/FLEXlm daemon ptc_d to manage the use of thelicenses.

For floating installations, the license file contains:

  • SERVER line containing the server name, cpu_id, and TCP/IP port
  • DAEMON line containing the path to the ptc_d executable
  • Feature information (your licenses)

Locked installations with the exception of Pro/MECHANICA licenses willnot contain SERVER and DAEMON lines.

For triad installations, an identical license file will be used by eachtriad partner. The license file will contain three SERVER lines, featurelines for all products licensed to the triad, and any additional productslicensed to any single partner.

CombiningLicense Files from Different Vendors

Do not combine your PTC license file with the license files ofother software vendors on the same FLEXlm license server. AlthoughFLEXlm can handle combining license files, PTC’s cpu_id routinerequires PTC licenses to be located in their own file. In addition, Globetrotterno longer recommends combining license files from different vendors.

AdditionalLicense File Information

More details on FLEXlm license files can be found in Chapter2 of Globetrotter’s FLEXlm end-user documentation.

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